Let’s Talk A.I. & Algorithms
“It’s The End Of The World As We Know It” – maybe prophetic, who knows – but at least the title of the keynote presented by the esteemed music business “agent provocateur”, Scott Cohen, who will open this session where we will discuss algorithms and A.I. in the music industry today. Within this session the debate on “A&R vs. AI” can also be found. Here we will discuss what data can and can’t be used for, and how the A&Rs influence the final musical product in 2019.
It’s The End Of The World As We Know It. Keynote: Scott Cohen
Don’t get too comfortable with streaming and social media. We are about to go through another big shift and you better be prepared.
Scott Cohen, Warner Music Group (US)
Presented by Promus in cooperation with SPOT+
Scott Cohen
Let’s Talk A.I. & Algorithms
Vi sætter fokus på de nyeste trends og udfordringer indenfor det digitale musikforbrug. “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It” er en provokerende keynote af den mangeårige digitale pioner Scott Cohen. Dernæst følger to paneler, der diskuterer A.I. – artificial intelligence – overfor A&R. Vil algoritmerne afgøre artisternes fremtid, eller spiller det klassiske A&R-øre stadig en rolle? Slutningen er en debat om fremtiden musikforbrug – og algoritmernes betydning for vores musikvalg.
A&R vs. A.I.
A&R vs. A.I.: The digital revolution in the consumption of music provides enormous amounts of data for the record companies. In this debate, we will discuss different approaches to working with discovery and development of new artists, both by utilizing the data and in spite of it. Learn about what data can and can’t be used for, and how the A&Rs influence the final musical product in 2019.
Christian Møller, Universal/Hurricane
Nis Bysted, Escho
Victoria Jespersen, Warner Music Denmark
Chad Gillard, Future Classic
Tim Dunham, Ingrooves (moderator)
Presented by DUP in cooperation with Promus & SPOT+
Tim Dunham
Christian Møller
Nis Bysted
Victoria Jespersen
Chad Gillard
Fremtidens musikformidling – algoritmernes smag?
Stort set alt musik er tilgængeligt, men hvordan finder den almindelige musiklytter netop det, hun gerne vil lytte på? Hvordan opøver man musklen, der gør at man kan finde den fede musik, den nye musik?
Streamingtjenesterne er gået fra at være kulturelle mellemled til at være kulturelle autoriteter på højde med bibliotekarer, radioværter og anmeldere. Panelet vil på den baggrund diskutere fremtidens musiklytning.
Rasmus Rex / Ekspert, RUC (keynote)
Michael Jensen / Bestyrelsesmedlem Musikfaggruppen, Bibliotekarforbundet, Glostrup Bibliotek
Anna Lidell / Bestyrelsesformand for DJBFA, komponist og sangskriver
Mai Young Øvlisen / Kurator, Distortion
Præsenteret af DJBFA i samarbejde med Promus & SPOT+