Kristina Holgersen
Spoken Word Festival & Kvindemuseet
Intimate concert with singer Kristina Holgersen at Kvindemuseet.
Kristina Holgersen is a strong female voice in Danish music. She is intellectuel and at the same time earthy – and she has just released the her new album ‘Ny Start’. Here she returns to her own tales and her own voice, after she in 2016 remediated writer Helle Helles novels into songtexts on the album ‘To Slags Mørke’. The songs on ‘Ny Start’ is about her gwoing up in a small town, a great longing for something bigger, the worlds state and inevitable choices. It’s both autobiographic, poetic, politic and with a touch of the songwriter Niels Skousen and writer Josefine Klougart.
Free access with valid SPOT wristband.
Saturday May 4th, 13:00
Byrådssalen på Kvindemuseet