Elisha: “I have ambitions to build an Empire of Pirates”

Artist Talk: Elisha


1. Who are you? (When did you start, what is your musical background?)

Well I am Elisha officially, unofficially I am Elisha DP. The DP stands for Dreamboy the Pirate – just in case you were curious. I’ve known music from when I could comprehend what was going on in the world around me, so it is difficult to pinpoint when I started; From going to church as an attendant and singing the church hymns sounding like I maybe could be invited into the church’s children’s choir to being upgraded to the grown-up church choir. Afterwards moving around different countries and having music following me – or maybe I was following music – to keep me sane, with all the confusions such a state of life can impose on a child. We ended up in Denmark, and I continued following the light that has been music throughout my life. In Denmark I started on the lowkey trying to make it on my own and eventually I got noticed by Sony Music… and so the story continues.  

2. What type of music do you play – genre, expression, mood?

I don’t really have a genre, I just create the music and let the world decide what category it belongs to. Music feels better with that freedom. Then again, I am a freedom advocate. The expression for me is sincere, I try to be as close to reality as possible but also be outworldly at the same time. The Mood is Muggy filled with ambiance and sensual vibes. This is true for my first project at least.  

3. What was your first musical experience?

When I was really young perhaps in the age range of 4 and 7, I witnessed this beautiful young girl at a church concert. She was probably only 2 or 3 years older than me, and she was singing lead on a few songs and the way she did it, good God! The passion the intensity. I still have the feeling in my belly, and I think that’s when I started really experimenting with my own capabilities.  

4. What are your sources of inspiration – other bands, people, experiences?

I don’t really think I function that way in regards to trying to gain inspiration from specific places. I believe I gain inspiration from everything around me. I decided long ago that my mission wasn’t going to be based on conscious plagiarization of my fellow musicians works or to try to steal other people’s experiences for my own interpretation of good work. I would rather always portray my take on the world around me. It’s a contradicting statement, I know, because no matter what my music does feed itself not only from my experiences but also from other’s experiences that I might observe – though I would like to think that this is not conscious from my part.  

5. What is your ambition playing at SPOT?

When playing at SPOT I hope my ideology will be attractive to the right people and not only businesswise. I have ambitions to build an Empire of Pirates – a family built on music, most importantly, but also a type of base of togetherness. A family with a support system that can range from vibes between two people to infinitum in the case of dreams and ambitions. Just in case this sounds like gibberish I am talking about the ambitions I have for my crew, the alliances I will create, and my family of fans to come. The Pirates.  

6. Have you ever played abroad? – If yes, where and how was it different?

I have recently played in Oslo. It was a showcase and the vibes were dope. I must say I do not have many references in that regard based on the fact that I am a fairly new face and have only played a handful of shows. I do not expect too much from the crowd but a little engagement if they are enjoying the show, but the crowds both here at home and abroad have been kind to me.  

7. What is your dream as a musician?

Ow that’s simple: I intend to become King of Pop – but via my own rules, path and my own style. I have a feeling the world will require a lot of convincing but that’s what makes music fun for everyone making music, the fans and even critics isn’t it?  

8. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned so far?

I’ve learned a lot so far. The key lesson, I would say, is the realization of responsibility for your own fate in this business – but also in life. No one is going to save you. This is not Disney, there is no prince charming coming to save you from your captivity if you do not know the direction. You must forge the direction and have the right people helping you get there. One must take initiative and control in regards to one’s own fate. I perform well because I take responsibility for it, I have survived in the music business without a manager or a lawyer for 2 years because I took responsibility for it. I have had some ups and downs with booking agencies for example, but I took care of it myself. I do believe that if something is not going right, and you know where right is, you mustn’t go left. And also, I have realized that no matter who you are, you must prove yourself worthy of that of which you want, so you have a responsibility to take responsibility.  

9. Where do see yourself in five years?

I hope in five years I will be at least 50% closer to achieving this dream of mine: Becoming The King of Music! It will take a lot of work, that’s for sure, but I am strapped up for battle and I am ready!!!  


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